• A team of firefighters from Chicago and Chile traveled to the Galapagos Islands to provide training
  • A volunteer team including a student from Northwestern University joined students of the University of Agronomy in Naranjal and conducted a Flora, Fauna Study at the possible site of The Exploration Institute
  • A team of Persons with Disabilities travelled to Milagro to provide training on inclusion of Persons with Disabilities; meetings were held with architects and public works staff on how to best build accessible ramps in the parks and the University. Conducted disability training at the University of Milagro , Naval and Military Hospitals.
  • Memorandum of Agreement between University of Illinois, School of Nursing and the University of Milagro
  • Memorandum of Agreement between University of Illinois, School of Medicine and the University of Guayaquil School of Medicine
  • During the week of July 18-25, 2009 ten professionals and ten youth participated in the Annual Health and Education mission to Milagro. 150 children with disabilities received health screenings, for the first time were provided dental care
  • Conducted meetings and trainings on inclusion, independent living, and accessibility with Parents, Staff of AVINNFA, a school for children with disabilities; University of Milagro staff , community leaders; created a Parent Support Group, and an Educators Support Group, provided them with a strategic guide.
  • Meeting with newly elected public officials in Naranjal and residents of the surrounding community where the land of the future facility of the Exploration Institute
  • Achieved legal status in the creation of Causas para el Cambio – Panama
  • Presentation at the Chicago Metro AEYC Conference
  • Participated at the 2009 Global Activism Expo presented by Chicago Public Radio
  • Participated as a panelist on Disability at the annual conference of the Chicago Global Donors Network
  • Causes for Change International July 23-30, 2008 Travel Mission Accomplishment

    A team of 31 volunteers from the United States, Australia, and Jamaica traveled to Ecuador, including eight youth, serviced 4 villages in 5 days, as well as a girl’s orphanage in Guayaquil. In addition, a Chicago firefighter was sent to the Galapagos Islands to provide training and present creative solutions to the island’s issues of concern.

    Through the efforts of our team and Ecuadorian communities we were able to:

    • Provide medical and dental examinations to over 2200 children as well as special services for children with disabilities
    • Prescribe vitamins and parasitic medication to the majority; provide antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications and dermatological creams when applicable
    • Conduct dental hygiene lessons and provide a toothbrush and tooth paste to each child plus a toy
    • 239 children and adults were seen by the Optometrist, 60 received eyeglasses (25 have had cataract surgery since our visit)
    • Develop and conduct two conferences
      • The first Conference for Professionals including medical and teaching students at the University of Milagro.  The conference focused on disability, inclusion and universal design with presentations by a brain injury specialist, disability advocates and an architect.  The founder and president of Causes for Change International, shared the importance of proper disability etiquette and the myths about disability, and successfully led the participants in an experiential disability sensitivity awareness activity.
      • The first Youth Conference “Create, Motivate and Inspire: Emerging Leaders of the 21st Century and Beyond” took place in Naranjal.  The local mayor was present to introduce our organization, Zully and our team of 8 U.S. youth volunteers. The youth of CCI served as musical entertainers, speakers and leaders to 250 students ages 14-19.  Zully spoke about problems and fears with the youth who simultaneously participated in activities designed to help them evaluate and overcome issues in their life in order to become responsible leaders in their community, family and most importantly, their self.  Youth attending the conference received gift bags filled with notebooks, pencils, calculators and other school supply donations.
    • Special Education teacher Korin Matter spent an extra week at the girl’s orphanage in Guayaquil to determine needs and modes of advancement.
    • Chicago Firefighter traveled to the Galapagos Islands to provide training in fire prevention, action and safety.  Delivered 13 boxes containing fire gear and tools.
    • Meetings held with the office of the Governor in Guayaquil to resolve issues of shipment into the country
    • Meetings held with senior staff of the Vice-President of Ecuador on disability.  CCI has been invited to assist the Office of the Vice-President in making Ecuador accessible for persons with disabilities.



    Team of four traveled in April to Ecuador, made a formal presentation on the Exploration Institute to the Municipality of Naranjal. The project was accepted and was formally promised by Mayor Ruperto Espinoza, the donation of land needed, six hectares.

    Participated at the Regional Disability Conference sponsored by Rehabilitation International in Mexico City held in May.

    Established relationship with Rotary Club of Guayaquil

    Accepted a summer student intern from Central Michigan University



    Travel Mission July

    • Team of 14 travelled to Naranjal, Puerto Lopez, Portoviejo, Isla Isabela in the Galapagos Islands
    • 1156 children and adults received direct services  impacting more than 3,000 persons, including children and parents of children with moderate to severe disabilities
    • Three children received custom made hearing aids
    • Cold case Chicago detective provided training to Galapagos Island Security Personnel
    • US volunteers ranged from ages of 9 to 75, dentists, chiropractor, educators, plus
    • Meeting held with the Technical University of Manabi
    • 2 containers shipped to Ecuador
    • Documentation to legitimize Causes for Change – Panama submitted to the Panamanian Government

    The dental program started in the rural schools “Simplemente Gracias”, in Km 26/Boliche, in the month of September provided care to 1200 children in five village schools, 92% of the children require additional treatment. With the support of Dr. Maria L. Gracias, Mr. R. Johnson, Mr. O’Keefe and Mr. C. Wolf, the dental clinic was established and continues to provide services with a volunteer dentist.  The clinic will grow to become self-sustaining. 

    Meeting held with two visiting firefighters from Region 2 that includes the Province of Manabi and Galapagos Islands.  Work underway to create a team that would travel to the Galapagos Islands in February, 2008 to provide training and other support requested.

    Fundraiser held in April, 2007 at Dominican University, raised $2,500.00 used to help cover the cost to ship a container.

    In July we shipped to containers, the first was loaded with bicycles funded by Working Bikes and the second contained medical equipment, supplies, wheelchairs, and more.  Donations from World Transport, Kohl’s House and individuals like you.  To date we continue to work with the bureaucracy to get them out of customs. 

    October 2007 celebrated 10th Anniversary at Alessandro’s Banquets, we raised $2,000.00

    October held first committee meeting for the development of Hospital Luz de Las Americas as we continue to plan for the creation of the Exploration Institute for Children and Youth with Disabilities.

    With a contribution in the amount of $300.00 from Rotary Club of College Park we were able to repair a water tank at Perpetual Help Orphanage, desperately needed

    With a total contribution of $1,000.00 from Rotary Club of College Park Foundation and Ms K. Sheevers of Chicago, a program for bread making and pastries will be implemented at a girl’s orphanage in Guayaquil.  This will support the current need for bread for the children and the older girls will learn skills that they can use once they leave the orphanage.

    Executed first meeting between Mayors of the Town of Cicero and Canton Naranjal (Alcalde Ruperto Expinoza Rivas and Gladys de Espinoza). Introduced Mayor of Naranjal, Ecuador and President Larry Dominick of the Town of Cicero to the concept of creating a People to People Initiative between the two towns.

    Introduction of Causas Para el Cambio to Water for People, we are asking that they consider including the coastal areas of Ecuador in their work plans.

    Met with Piurina Correa, sister of Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, introduced her to CCI

    Published our first photography book to be used for marketing and fundraising, a video was produced and can now part of it be seen on YouTube.



    Shipped a 40 foot container with wheel chairs, crutches, medical supplies

    A team of 19 traveled to Ecuador during the week of August 2nd – 8th.  Children received a gift of a toy, toothpaste and a toothbrush; some received a piece of clothing.  Majority of the children were prescribed and given intestinal parasitic medicine; some were given vitamins, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicine and dermatological creams.   Of the 1,656 persons that received services 994 were children from the age of six months to 12 years of age. 

    • 591 children were seen by one of our volunteer physicians
    • 313 children received dental care of which 80% had extractions
    • 508 children were seen by the dental hygienist and received fluoride treatments
    • 159 children and adults were seen by the Optometrist, where appropriate were given glasses and/or prescribed glasses when not available
    • 85 children and adults were seen by the Chiropractor
    • Delivered and planned for installation of a Dental Clinic in Km 26 thanks to Dr. Maria Gracias and friends

    In addition 60 volunteer firefighters from 18 counties and villages were provided training in Search and Ladder Rescue, Lifts Drags and Carries, Wild Land Fire Fighting. We visited with Fire Fighting personnel from the coastal and mountainous areas, Guayaquil airport security manager and visited several firehouses.



    A team of nine volunteers:  dentist, three teachers, and other professionals traveled to Ecuador, joined efforts with volunteers of Causas Para el Cambio, provided medical and dental services to 800 children, and provided educational training to 17 elementary school teachers serving eleven schools. 



    Helped a child burned over 85% of his body to obtain skin from US corporations and medical treatment, requested assistance from customs for items to enter country
    During first quarter of 2004 Causas para el Cambio was established in Ecuador with its own Volunteer Board.  Currently I am working with the group by giving them working direction.



    I made the trip to Ecuador.  Met with volunteers.  Made clothing donations. Visited a new hospital in Milagro.  Traveled to El Triunfo and visited a program for children with Down’s syndrome.  Made arrangements for a baby with a cleft lip and cleft palate to have surgery at the new hospital in Milagro.

    At the suggestion of local volunteers to have Causes for Change incorporated in Ecuador as a not-for profit in order to be recognized by the country, steps to do so were undertaken.



    Three physicians traveled to Km 26 and the girls’ orphanage in Guayaquil.  They reported seeing over 500 children.  Meds were provided.  Clothing donation to local children clothing donation was made to children of La Troncal



    Two volunteers traveled from Ecuador at separate times.  They participated at an intense leadership training course.  They each stayed for six weeks visiting schools, organizations and participating in one on one mentorship sessions



    Two trips were made this year.  First trip was made by two volunteers.  Their primary purpose was to start a children’s bookroom and a playroom for the girls at the girl’s orphanage in Guayaquil.

    Second trip was made by 20 volunteers.  Our focus was on nutrition, dental care and cardiology.  Arrangements for three children with severe heart problems were made with local hospitals.



    Experience taught us to narrow the area to be served and the types of services.  This particular year was focused on dental care.  Our efforts concentrated in providing services to school children in the surrounding villages of Km 26, Milagro, Boliche, Taura and the girl’s orphanage in Guayaquil. Over 1200 children were taught to brush their teeth, toothpaste and toothbrushes were provided.  Arrangements were made with local Colgate Company to monitor the program and to regularly provide toothbrushes and toothpaste.  Dental hygiene was incorporated into the school curriculum in the village schools.  Teachers post a large sign on the school wall reminding the children to brush their teeth and wash their hands.



    • Coordinated the efforts of an environmental engineer from Chicago, her husband has been transferred to Guayaquil, for her to work with a group of women volunteers in Km 26 to clean the village, arrange for containers to be placed throughout the village for garbage collection.  Arranged a monthly town cleanup and garbage pickup.  An entire year was spent on this project.  A curriculum of health and hygiene was instituted in the eleven local village schools. Sought the help of local businesses to participate in donating the garbage cans, brooms, shovels, gloves, etc.
    • Coordinated a mission of ten volunteers, doctor, nurses, photographer, audiologist, and banker.  Worked with the same group of volunteers from the previous years.  We had made contact with the Starkey Foundation to donate custom hearing aids.  During our seven day trip, we evaluated over two thousand children and adults from all parts of Ecuador and arranged for approximately five hundred children to be fitted with custom hearing aids with the help and support of a team from El Salvador.



    • Zully JF Alvarado, Debbie Hamilton and Amy Lowe (singer and guitarist) travelled to Boliche, Km 26, Guayaquil and Manta... Music was played and songs taught to children in village schools and the girl’s orphanage. 
    • Clothing donations were made at all locations visited
    • Traveled to Guayaquil and Manta where we worked with individuals with disabilities
    • Held  first disabilities march in Manta
    • Arrangements made for a student from Vassar University, Lauren Creamer, to spend three months at the girls orphanage in Guayaquil, Ecuador 
    • Taught 125 girls personal hygiene, worked on their self-confidence and self-esteem
    • Lauren would spend weekends with a local family learning the culture and language.



    Zully JF Alvarado and Marilyn Varn traveled to Ecuador on a fact finding mission to the cities of Quito, Ambato, Guayaquil and its surrounding villages in the country of Ecuador: 

    • Visited coastal area village schools to determine needs
    • Toured two schools in Guayaquil for children with special needs
    • Conducted a staff seminar at a Center for Rehabilitation
    • Visited an orphanage with 125 girls in Guayaquil. 
    • Donated clothing to the orphanage and a village school in Km 32 outside of Guayaquil provided by The Second Child
    • Conducted three training sessions on domestic violence to thirty women using a video produced by Zully. 
    • Conducted mentorship sessions with five women from Km 26, via Milagro on volunteerism, as well as, determined their interest in creating a group of volunteers to work for the betterment of their village and surrounding villages.