
·         A  team of firefighters from Chicago and Chile traveled to the Galapagos Islands to provide training

·         A volunteer team including a student from Northwestern University joined students of the University of Agronomy in Naranjal and conducted a Flora, Fauna Study at the possible site of The Exploration Institute

·         A team of Persons with Disabilities travelled to Milagro to provide training on inclusion of Persons with Disabilities; meetings were held with architects and public works staff on how to best build accessible ramps in the parks and the University.  Conducted disability training at the University of Milagro , Naval and Military Hospitals.

·         Memorandum of Agreement between University of Illinois, School of Nursing and the University of Milagro

·         Memorandum of Agreement between University of Illinois, School of Medicine and the University of Guayaquil School of Medicine

·         During the week of July 18-25, 2009 ten professionals and ten youth participated in the

Annual Health and Education mission to Milagro.   150 children with disabilities received health screenings, for the first time were provided dental care

·         Conducted meetings and trainings on inclusion, independent living, and accessibility with Parents, Staff of AVINNFA, a school for children with disabilities; University of Milagro staff , community leaders; created a Parent Support Group, and an Educators Support Group, provided them with a strategic guide.

·         Meeting with newly elected public officials in Naranjal and residents of the surrounding community where the land of the future facility of the Exploration Institute is located.

·         Achieved legal status in the creation of Causas para el Cambio – Panama

·         Presentation at the Chicago Metro AEYC Conference

·         Participated at the 2009 Global Activism Expo presented by Chicago Public Radio

·         Participated as a panelist on Disability at the annual conference of the Chicago Global  Donors Network

it starts with one