• Launching the Lagoon

    Posted on July 24, 2024

    The success of The Outlook Garden project in Gary, Indiana, initiated by Causes for Change International is depicted in a short film directed by Jessica Renslow of
    Almost Fairytales Films.

    The project is premiering at Heartland Film’s Shorts Festival. Jessica stated
    “getting into this festival has been a longterm of mine, fifteen years to be exact.” This documentary highlights how private-public partnerships and community-sourced ideas can create sanctuaries of peace and restoration.

    Zully & Artist, Casey King at chess table
    Zully together with artist, Casey King

     You may view the trailer here, the “Launching the Lagoon” short film is premiering on Saturday, July 27th at the Tobias Theatre at Newfields, Indiana.

    This film was sponsored by Indiana Humanities it will be showing across the state of Indiana.

    We established a dedicated committee to guide volunteers, who later took ownership and brought the project to life. This concept can be replicated wherever there is a desire for beauty, functionality, and community engagement through volunteerism.