• Women of Hope

    Posted on February 19, 2015

    header_01(1)575730616f2d8577578ba3afee78e7c0 causesforchange



    If you ever wanted to do something that truly mattered and made a difference in the world, that moment is now.  Taking that first step by committing to nourish and take care of yourself,  it will cause you to remember that while you are taking care of yourself  you are also taking responsibility for nourishing a child on a monthly basis. You can do this as an individual, as an organization, as a ministry of as a business owner; you can also invite friends and co-workers to support you in this effort, a global effort is not doing it all alone.DSC01443

    Don’t Miss: WOMEN OF HOPE CALL
    Date & Time: Thursday, February 19th at 8:00pm Central
    Attend by Phone: (425) 440-5100,,,
    Guest pin code: 290382#
    Event Page: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=64807878